

Event programs represent scheduled segments within an event (e.g., talks, workshops, breaks). Programs are managed through the event update mutation and stored as an array in the event model.

Data Model

interface EventSession {
  _id: MongoID;
  title: String;              // Required
  description: String;        // Optional description
  start: DateTimeISO;        // Session start time
  end: DateTimeISO;          // Session end time
  broadcast: MongoID;        // Reference to broadcast
  photos: MongoID[];         // Session images
  photos_expanded: File[];   // Expanded photo data
  speaker_users: MongoID[];  // References to speakers
  speaker_users_expanded: User[]; // Expanded speaker data

Managing programs

Programs are updated through the event mutation:

mutation updateEvent($id: ID!, $input: UpdateEventInput!) {
  updateEvent(id: $id, input: {
    sessions: [
        title: "Opening Keynote",
        start: "2024-05-01T09:00:00Z",
        end: "2024-05-01T10:00:00Z",
        speaker_users: ["speaker1Id", "speaker2Id"]

Key Rules

  • Programs must have title, start time, and end time

  • The end time must be after the start time

  • Programs can have multiple speakers

  • Programs can be linked to a broadcast for virtual events

  • Photos can be attached to individual programs

Update Operation

  • Use updateEvent mutation to modify programs

  • Can update multiple programs in one operation

  • Existing programs are replaced with the new array

  • Program IDs are preserved for existing sessions

Broadcast Creation

To link a broadcast to a program, create a broadcast using the createEventBroadcast mutation and reference its _id in the session. The broadcast requires a provider, provider ID, and optional metadata such as rooms and end time.

Last updated